Category: Digital Marketing

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Measuring ROI Like a Pro

Ever wonder if your B2B marketing efforts are actually generating results? You’re not alone. Proving the value of marketing in a B2B world can seem daunting. But with some solid information, you’ll see it come together in a fresh light. This guide will equip you with the key metrics and tracking methods to unlock

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Cartoon man and woman looking at stats on board

Marketing Strategies to Maximize Your Business

Marketing Strategies are a crucial part of how to maximize your business. These tools help establish brand identity, attract and retain customers, generate sales and build long term sales. When all of these are at stake, it’s important to understand the processes behind having the smartest and most effective strategies for your company. Let’s

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A laptop, envelopes, a phone, and target bullseye

10 B2B Email Marketing Strategies

In the world of digital everything, B2B email marketing strategies are an effective way to reach your B2B target audience. Emails can help drive conversions and increase sales, ultimately leading to an increase in ROI. And with 4 billion email users daily, this channel is important to your businesses success. Let’s take a look

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cartoon people looking at phone and social media

Social Media Marketing for B2B

Social media is a digital media marketing channel comprised of many platforms at your disposal. Successful brands and companies are learning how to best use each to build awareness and brand equity and increase sales. These platforms enable social media marketing for B2B companies to connect with their target audience in an authentic and

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Magnet Pulling in Customers

What is Inbound Marketing for B2B?

B2B inbound marketing strategy is a form of digital marketing that generates demand before capturing it. By delivering your target audience the resources they desire, they are able to make informed business decisions. It centers on building trust and more meaningful relationships with your ideal customers through authentic interactions and helpful content. In doing

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