Category: News

several well-known logos

Why Should a Company Rebrand?

Companies invest a lot of money and effort into building a brand. So why rebrand? Companies have to be diligent about what is happening with their brand and the current business environment. Reasons for rebranding range from negative brand reputation to loss of brand relevancy to legal disputes over the ownership of a brand name.

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sleek blue truck

Marketing Alternative Fuels to the Trucking Industry

I recently attended the ACT Expo 2015 (Alternative Clean TransportationExpo) held in Dallas, the industry’s largest clean fleet expo. Conversations ranged from topics such as the best options for alternative fuel, to the introduction of driverless trucks, and how the price of oil could affect the economy. Click further to see our take-aways.

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city skyscrapers

Oil and Gas to Shipping – Houston Growth Opportunities

The oil price dive is still impacting the market in loss of rigs, jobs and non-crucial services in the first quarter of 2015. If you are in an industry that is not legislated as a necessity, you are probably looking to see what’s next on your horizon. There are quite a few industries affected by the fickleness of oil prices.

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