Category: Brand

3 cartoon men standing on money in front of a large red and white target

7 Ways to Maximize Brand Impact in a Competitive Market

Your brand impact is the degree to which you can leverage your branding to influence the decisions of your target audience. Maximizing it empowers your company to: Attract the right customers Lower customer acquisition costs Build trust and authority Increase perception of value to charge a premium Increase your profit margins Drive revenues and growth Pivot in

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Graphic Showing lady putting money into blue light bulb

Why a Visual Brand Identity Builds Equity

As the editor-in-chief of Forbes Media, Steve Forbes once said, “Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business.” But something we’ve realized with many business owners is that they tend to create a logo, but put off investing into building a brand identity once the business is running

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Why An Online Presence Is Important for Your Business

An online presence puts your brand front and center as a reputable source, and helps you reach decision-makers your B2B company needs to influence. This B2B branding strategy positions your organization as a trusted industry authority and gives you the leverage you need to gain and retain high-value contracts. Discover why every B2B business—large and small—needs a digital presence and steps

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Brand Illustration with lightbulb

The Brand Development Process

The process of brand development has two components: emotional and scientific. You need to understand the science to help identify the emotional triggers that help attract, retain, and delight customers. This helps lead you to awareness and brand management. Brand Development — The Science Part The science part of brand development includes research, analysis,

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S.O. Creative Breaks Ground on Clutch

Every business out there wants to be heard, but not every one of them has something to say. With thousands of competitors flocking the online market, you shouldn’t just create noise; you should make your audience want to listen. This, of course, relies on the story you have to tell. At S.O. Creative, we

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How Much Does Marketing Cost?

Answering the question “How much does marketing cost?” is tricky. We can give you some examples of industry budgets and estimates, but it varies greatly depending on your revenue, your goals, and your market position. Established brands have a significant advantage, while newer entrants likely need to spend more to gain awareness. A new

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Choosing the Right Color Palette for Your Technology or Energy Company

Color can play an important role in the way people perceive your brand, products, and services. While color preference can be a personal preference, we also know that certain colors and color palettes evoke emotional responses that can influence behavior. The relationship between brand and color is more about appropriateness than anything else. Does

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What is Brand Development?

So your company has a logo and a website, and you have a steady stream of work from a small, solid base of customers. Why do you need to spend money on your “brand”? You don’t. If you’ve achieved your goal of being a company with a logo and a website that has a steady

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Does Your Brand Look Big Enough? Would You Hire You?

Just as people can be larger than life, a brand can do the same. Creating a brand with an authentically strong character that can stand beside the big boys is central to success. And the good news is, even smaller brands who think that branding takes deep pockets or a chain of national offices can do it. With a solid brand […]

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The word brand spelled out and cartoon people walking around it

Building A Stronger, More Successful Brand

Branding today is more than just a name and symbol, building a brand has evolved into a more complex and important matter when it comes to delivering a company’s message. But before we go into the details, it’s important to get this out of the way first: Your company’s logo is extremely important. It’s

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